I have had my new Samsung Moment for about four days now and I am still loving it.
There are few minor annoyances for the system that I am still working through. For example, there is a notification for when the network signal is lost (I am out at a customer site with limited Sprint network coverage because of the building construction). Every time I lose signal, it makes a noise. Every time I regain signal, it makes a noise. I had the same issue with the power connector (connect power and it makes a noise).
I have tried disabling the notification by installing a new 'silent' ringtone (just one second of dead air). Using the silent option fixed the power issue, but did not fix the network loss issue. I have not found anyway of changing the notification for the loss of signal. So, I am on the lookout for an app now. I am sure there are some hidden notification options somewhere, maybe I need to get an app to fix those issues.
The other major issue has to do with the fact that my email for my domain is hosted at Google (using the Google Apps Engine). These are the same issues expressed by Gina Trapani over at Life Hacker (http://lifehacker.com/5475809/why-google-apps-users-miss-out-on-regular-gmail-featuresand-some-solutions). To work around these limitations, I am forwarding all of my traffic to my Gmail account and then archiving the email on my Google Apps account (in case I decide to go back). I exported my contacts from my Google Apps account and then imported them on Gmail. The only thing I don't have working yet is the calendar sync.
Everything else about the phone is much better than the Blackberry I had before. I am even getting used to the on-screen keyboard. I have my Gmail email working, Google Voice, contacts, and corporate email working. There are tons of apps (too many sometimes).
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