I was up at 2:30AM this morning for a Cisco 7600 install. So, I have not gotten much completed on the SNAT programming. So far, I have the SNMP poller code able to do a single MIB poll (sysObjectID for example) and I am currently working on the getBulk and getNext functions. Once I have those completed, the poller will be fairly well finished.
I have VMware working on my laptop so I will be porting the rest of the application (besideds the poller and collector) to the virtual appliance and see how those go.
I was also able to get the Wiki going with some more information. It took me a few minutes to get everything working correctly, but now it all seems to be working. Check out the lab topology at http://dragool.net/wiki/LAB.
Time to head to bed now.
Thanks for posting, I very much enjoyed reading your most recent post. I think you should post more often, you clearly have talent for blogging!