Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cisco Discovery Tool

Today, I am in Iowa working on a network assessment for a hospital.  As part of the network assessment, I am running the Cisco Discover Tool which is supposed to detect Cisco and some non-Cisco devices on the network via SNMP and ping sweeps across the network.  

So far, the process has been pretty seamless, but I had to run the discovery twice now.  I think this is because I am using the discovery tool in the Microsoft Virtual PC virtualization software as opposed to running the application native.  When I tried to run the application on my native Vista x64 system, I got some messages about the software not being supported on my operating system.  My virtual PC is just a standard Windows XP with SP3 installed (and minimal other software enabled).

I was able to get the Virtual PC to run across my SSL VPN to my home network.  It was able to discover my one Cisco ASA 5505 firewall and had no issues.  I will try it again when I get my new lab server up and running tonight (with dynamips).

1 comment:

  1. [...] Patrick’s Blog Blog about Cisco networking, security and other items « Cisco Discovery Tool [...]
